Docks Dome Eventhall
Docks Dome Eventhall


Unless agreed otherwise in writing, these general terms and conditions apply to all offers issued by DOCKS DOME SRL, as well as to all services provided or goods supplied by DOCKS DOME SRL (these services and goods are referred to hereinafter without distinction as “Services”). The client is deemed to have read these general terms and conditions and have accepted all their clauses. Any derogations shall only be valid if they have been agreed in writing between the client and DOCKS DOME SRL.

In general, DOCKS DOME SRL issues an estimate for all work. All documents produced, including offers are provided purely for information purposes and may be revised, in particular in the event of increases in salaries, social security contributions or the prices charged to DOCKS DOME SRL by suppliers, or if the initial project is modified.

The Services are provided only after the client’s formal approval. This approval is done at the transfer of the contract or of the signed offer or at the confirmation in writing or in any possible way this offer. This offer will becoming firm and definitive and the agreement between the Client and DOCKS.

DOME SRL will be considered as concluded. Moreover, DOCKS DOME SRL shall
immediately issue an advance payment invoice when such a purchase agreement is done. DOCKS DOME SRL reserves its right to consider to be bound by the reservation provided after that the first deposit is paid in full in due time. DOCKS DOME SRL will have the right to deny the delivery of the Services, and more specifically the access to the infrastructure, if the conditions of payment are not fully respected.

By his formal approval, the client undertakes unreservedly their commitment to entrust the provision of the proposed Services to DOCKS DOME SRL and to compensate the latter for all costs incurred and, in the event of cancellation, In the case of, for any reason (with exception of wilful misrepresentation or serious misconduct from DOCKS DOME SRL), the contract should be cancelled, the deposits are due to DOCKS DOME SRL as a fixed indemnity, even when they remain unpaid, unless the cancellation is due to DOCKS DOME SRL.

If, because of a temporary or permanent event of force majeure, Services have to be postponed or cancelled, all the costs incurred by DOCKS DOME SRL shall be payable in full by the client.

Moreover, no damages may be claimed from DOCKS DOME SRL. If applicable, DOCKS DOME SRL shall endeavour to recover from suppliers the bulk of any planned costs which have not yet been incurred.

The client shall be solely liable for the event in connection with which the Services are provided, as DOCKS DOME SRL acts simply as the client’s representative vis-à- vis third parties.

DOCKS DOME SRL shall have solely an obligation of means as regards the Services provided. It shall only be liable in the event of serious or intentional professional misconduct or fraud. It shall in no event be liable for consequential damage, loss of income, moral prejudice or injury to third parties, etc.

The agency’s invoices are payable on cash terms without any discount. The price of the Services has to be paid as follows :

30% as a deposit at the transfer of the contract or of the signed offer or at the
confirmation in writing of the offer ;
30% (of the fixed price on this date) as a deposit at least two months before the start of the event ;
the remaining and final payment (of the fixed price on this date), at least, eight days before the date fixed for the disposal of the infrastructure ;
the remaining after the event with the provided services and the different consumptions.
This invoice will be send maximum 30 days after the event.

At the latest at the authorisation of access to the infrastructure, the Customer shall have made a bank deposit of 3.500 € in favour of DOCKS DOME SRL as guarantee, which will be returned to the Customer only after an assessment of possible damage and final balance of using costs.

In the event of the non-payment of any amount when due, we reserve the right to suspend all services.

Complaints are only admissible if they are submitted in writing within eight days after the date on which the client becomes aware of the cause underlying the complaint, and in any event no later than eight days after the date of the organisation of an event.

All our offers, assignments and activities are governed by Belgian law. Any disputes shall fall within the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Brussels and, if justified by the amount, that of the magistrates court of the 4th legal sub-district of Brussels.